Lampada di Segnalazione Rossa, Bassa Intensità – ICAO Type B

Lampada rossa bassa intensità per la segnalazione notturna di linee elettriche a basso, medio e alto voltaggio Luce rossa fissa. Alimentazione a Induzione.

Lampada Segnalazione Ostacoli al Volo SEGS32PTL: Singola, Bassa Intensità Type B
Order Code SEGSPTL32
Light Type: Low-Intensity, Type B
Typical use: Night time
Light source: LED
Type of beacon: Fixed
Colour: Red according to CIE Chromaticity Boundary
Light Intensity: >32.5 cd
HV cable diameter: From 10 to 48 mm
HV line voltage: Up to 420 kV
HV line current: 38 A – 2000 A
Material of the upper shell: Polyammide
Material of the transparent cap: Polycarbonate CAP (UL94-V2)

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  • progettato e costruito in Italia

  • alimentazione ad induzione per linee elettriche a catenaria ad alta tensione

  • altissima resistenza alla corrosione

  • facilità d’installazione / connessioni plug ‘n’ play

  • copertura orizzontale a 360°

  • nessuna manutenzione durante il ciclo di vita (fino a 100.000 ore)

  • ampio range di temperature di esercizio: da -40 C° a +55 C°


  • fotocellula integrata


ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization, a specialized agency of the United Nations) ICAO ANNEX 14, Volume I, Chap. 6 Visual aids for denoting obstacles. Type B, Low-Intensity obstacle light.
FAA (Federal Aviation Administration, an agency of the United States Department of Transportation) FAA AC 150/5345-43F Specification for obstruction lighting equipment. Type L-810, Low-Intensity obstacle light.
CAA-CA Civil Aviation Authority none Low-Intensity obstacle light.
ATEX EU directives describing allowed equipments in environments with explosive atmosphere ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU, Equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres.
IECEx Standards relating to equipment for use in explosive atmospheres IECEx Standards relating to equipment for use in explosive atmospheres.
EAC Eurasian Conformity CU TR 012/2011 on the safety of equipment in explosion hazardous environments.


  • linee di alta tensione

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